Thursday, July 21, 2011

Would You Like To Dance?

Hi everybody!
My last post was texted from the pits of despair. Actually, I was literally on the firing line. I was on Annual Training with the National Guard and once a year we go to the firing range to qualify with our weapons. I was contemplating using my weapon on myself. Seriously. I did qualify, by the way. Sharpshooter. Probably the highest score since basic training. I'm usually a horrible shot, I truly don't understand how I got 33 out of 40. Anyway, that's beside the point.

I'm in a better place now. Living - not dead. My problems are still here, and I'm doing my best to work through them. I'm performing that old dance called: taking-things-one-day-at-a-time
Unfortunately, it seems that I don't know the steps until I start dancing.
I should know the steps by heart before this transition is over (think: "Backwards and in heels" to quote Ginger Rogers).

Speaking of transition, here is a quote from Salad Bingo - "Family Ties" (third to last paragraph)

I had to walk through hell just to become myself. I threw open the doors to my darkest fears and most shameful secrets… and then I broadcast them to the whole world. I offered my heart on a platter to anyone who wanted to take a stab – and believe me, I felt every dagger. Then I rebuilt myself from the bloody remains, showing the world who I had been inside all along, with no promise that anyone other than myself would accept the person I finally became. The experience nearly killed me. But I finally made it through.
I couldn't have said it better. In fact; I can't say it any better, if I could, Salad Bingo would be quoting me. 

 My sister and I were talking the other day about what Caroline would be like. She is understandably concerned. She likes Rob and because she loves him as well, wants the best for him. She will love Caroline, too, but doesn't know her and wonders what she will be like.
I wonder the same. What will I be like? I feel that this quote above summarizes a portion of transition well.
There is no promise that anyone other than me will accept the person that I finally become.
I know that I've always been Caroline, unfortunately, Rob has danced to all the music while Caroline cried in her room.
I know my siblings will love me unconditionally, I hope they like me as well. I can't wait to introduce Caroline. Who is going to get the first dance?

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