Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Isolated and Abandoned

Isolated and abandoned. This is how I feel. How can I talk to my wife about subjects that terrify her? Outside of the one very, very special, dear friend, who will listen? Who has the time to listen or the ability to understand what is going on in this life of mine?
To top that off, I feel am abandoned by God. How many times have I cried out for help? How many times have I prayed for deliverance or healing? I prayed that when I got saved that I would feel like a man. Instead, I feel like a freak. How many times must I request an answer before the answer becomes plain? This sounds like the story of Job. I know his problems were many, does that mean that my problem is not as big or important? How will I know if this is a test from the Lord or is it a medical problem that can be corrected by skills given to man from God?
How long must I wait?
However, please don't get me wrong, I feel that I am making the right choice for me. God knows that my heart is pure regarding this, just as he knew Job's heart. The only real issue is that of my family. More on that later.

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